
Οι 20 καλύτερες φωτογραφίες Αρχιτεκτονικής του 2017

Στο Παγκόσμιο Φεστιβάλ Αρχιτεκτονικής, που θα πραγματοποιηθεί σε λίγες ημέρες θα ανακοινωθεί ο νικητής του διεθνούς βραβείου αρχιτεκτονικής φωτογραφίας Arcaid Images.  Το Bathroomplus σας παρουσιάζει τις 20 καλύτερες φωτογραφίες που προκρίθηκαν για τον τελικό της αναμέτρησης. 5 φιναλίστ σε κάθε μία από τις 4 κατηγορίες που περιλαμβάνει ο διαγωνισμός. Απολαύστε τες.

Το Arcaid Images είναι μια πηγή φωτογραφικού υλικού για την Αρχιτεκτονική που περιλαμβάνει εικόνες από όλες τις πλευρές του χτισμένου κόσμου. Κτήρια αρχαία και σύγχρονα, εικονικά και απλά, “καθημερινά” έχουν την θέση τους εδώ. Οι συνεισφέροντες δημιουργοί των φωτογραφιών είναι φωτογράφοι και ιδρύματα από όλο τον κόσμο. Ο ιδρυτής φωτογράφος του Arcaid, ο Richard Bryant, με παιδεία αρχιτέκτονα, υποστηρίζει ότι η εμπειρία της αρχιτεκτονικής για την πλειοψηφία των ανθρώπων είναι μέσω εικόνων. Σε αυτές τις φωτογραφίες, η ίδια η αρχιτεκτονική είναι το σημείο εστίασης του ενδιαφέροντος ενώ η εικόνα θεωρείται μόνο ως μέσο.

Το Βραβείο Αρχιτεκτονικής Φωτογραφίας Arcaid Images στοχεύει να δώσει έμφαση στην ικανότητα και τη δημιουργικότητα του φωτογράφου. Ζητάμε από τους κριτές και τους θεατές να δουν πέρα ​​από την αρχιτεκτονική τη σύνθεση, το φως, την κλίμακα, την ατμόσφαιρα, την αίσθηση του τόπου και την κατανόηση του έργου αναφέρεται στο επίσημο site του διαγωνισμού.

Οι υποψήφιες φωτογραφίες για τα Βραβεία Αρχιτεκτονικής Φωτογραφίας Arcaid Images 2017 που έχουν προκριθεί θα παρουσιαστούν στο Παγκόσμιο Φεστιβάλ Αρχιτεκτονικής, το οποίο θα πραγματοποιηθεί στη πρωτεύουσα της Γερμανίας το Βερολίνο, στις 15-17 Νοεμβρίου 2017. Ο μεγάλος νικητής θα ανακοινωθεί στο Gala Dinner του φεστιβάλ.

Το ετήσιο Βραβείο Αρχιτεκτονικής Φωτογραφίας Arcaid Images, βραβεύει την τεχνογνωσία του εξειδικευμένου  φωτογράφου αρχιτεκτονικής φωτογραφίας, που καταφέρνει να μεταφράσει μέσα από τον φακό του, την πολυπλοκότητα της αρχιτεκτονικής σε μια ευανάγνωστη και κατανοητή γλώσσα, δύο διαστάσεων, για να εξηγήσει και να αναδείξει το χαρακτήρα, τις λεπτομέρειες και το περιβάλλον του έργου.

Κατά τη διάρκεια της διαδικασίας επιλογής, κάθε κριτής καλείται να κοιτάξει πέρα ​​από την ίδια την αρχιτεκτονική, την ίδια την φωτογραφία.


Εξωτερικές όψεις Κτηρίων  (κατηγορία Exterior)

David Crawford from California, USA has been announced as one of the 20 shortlisted photographers in the Arcaid Images Architectural Photography Awards 2017, in association with Sto, with his image of the Samsung Electronics HQ building in San Jose, California by NBBJ. David entered this image into the Exterior category. The shortlisted photographs will be exhibited at the World Architecture Festival (WAF) in Berlin from 15th - 17th November where visitors to WAF will be able to cast their vote for the overall winner, which will be announced during the Gala Dinner on Friday 17th November. Photo credit should read: David Crawford/

Φωτογράφος: David Crawford

Project: Samsung Electronics HQ building in San Jose, California by NBBJ


Adam Letch from Cape Town, South Africa has been announced as one of the 20 shortlisted photographers in the Arcaid Images Architectural Photography Awards 2017, in association with Sto, with his image of a recently completed chapel built on Bosjes farm in Ceres, Cape Town by Steyn Studio. Adam entered this image into the Exterior category. The shortlisted photographs will be exhibited at the World Architecture Festival (WAF) in Berlin from 15th - 17th November where visitors to WAF will be able to cast their vote for the overall winner, which will be announced during the Gala Dinner on Friday 17th November. Photo credit should read: Adam Letch/

Φωτογράφος: Adam Letch

Project: A recently completed chapel built on Bosjes farm in Ceres, Cape Town by Steyn Studio


Brian Rose from Brooklyn, New York, USA has been announced as one of the 20 shortlisted photographers in the Arcaid Images Architectural Photography Awards 2017, in association with Sto, with his image of the north wall of the Revel Casino in Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA. Brian entered this image into the Exterior category. The shortlisted photographs will be exhibited at the World Architecture Festival (WAF) in Berlin from 15th - 17th November where visitors to WAF will be able to cast their vote for the overall winner, which will be announced during the Gala Dinner on Friday 17th November. Photo credit should read: Brian Rose/

Φωτογράφος: Brian Rose

Project: North wall of the Revel Casino in Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA


Wison Tungthunya from Bangkok in Thailand has been announced as one of the 20 shortlisted photographers in the Arcaid Images Architectural Photography Awards 2017, in association with Sto, with this image of SALA Ayutthaya, a hotel in Ayutthaya, Thailand by Onion Co. Ltd. Wison entered this image into the Exterior category. The shortlisted photographs will be exhibited at the World Architecture Festival (WAF) in Berlin from 15th - 17th November where visitors to WAF will be able to cast their vote for the overall winner, which will be announced during the Gala Dinner on Friday 17th November. Photo credit should read: Wison Tungthunya/

Φωτογράφος: Wison Tungthunya

Project: SALA Ayutthaya, a hotel in Ayutthaya, Thailand by Onion Co. Ltd.


Laurian Ghinitoiu has been announced as one of the 20 shortlisted photographers in the Arcaid Images Architectural Photography Awards 2017, in association with Sto, with his image of the Sumida Hokusai Museum in Tokyo, Japan by Kazuyo Sejima. Laurian entered this image into the Exterior category. The shortlisted photographs will be exhibited at the World Architecture Festival (WAF) in Berlin from 15th - 17th November where visitors to WAF will be able to cast their vote for the overall winner, which will be announced during the Gala Dinner on Friday 17th November. Photo credit should read: Laurian Ghinitoiu/

φωτογράφος: Laurian Ghinitoiu

Project: Sumida Hokusai Museum in Tokyo, Japan by Kazuyo Sejima

Εσωτερικές όψεις Κτηρίων  (κατηγορία Interior)

Terrence Zhang from China has been announced as one of the 20 shortlisted photographers in the Arcaid Images Architectural Photography Awards 2017, in association with Sto, with his image of the Gymnasium of New Campus of Tianjin University, China by Atelier Li Xinggang. Terrence entered this image into the Interior category. The shortlisted photographs will be exhibited at the World Architecture Festival (WAF) in Berlin from 15th - 17th November where visitors to WAF will be able to cast their vote for the overall winner, which will be announced during the Gala Dinner on Friday 17th November. Photo credit should read: Terrence Zhang/

Φωτογράφος: Terrence Zhang

Project: Swimming Pool, New Campus of Tianjin University, China by Atelier Li Xinggang


Yao Li from China has been announced as one of the 20 shortlisted photographers in the Arcaid Images Architectural Photography Awards 2017, in association with Sto, with this image of ​​Dongzhuang-Building Museum of the Western Regions, China by Xinjiang Wind Architectural Design & Research Institute. Yao entered this image into the Interior category. The shortlisted photographs will be exhibited at the World Architecture Festival (WAF) in Berlin from 15th - 17th November where visitors to WAF will be able to cast their vote for the overall winner, which will be announced during the Gala Dinner on Friday 17th November. Photo credit should read: Yao Li/

Φωτογράφος: Yao Li

Project: Dongzhuang-Building Museum of the Western Regions, China by Xinjiang Wind Architectural Design & Research Institute


Wison Tungthunya has been announced as one of the 20 shortlisted photographers in the Arcaid Images Architectural Photography Awards 2017, in association with Sto, with this image of Baan Moom, a private residence in Bangkok, Thailand by Integrated Field. Wison entered this image into the Interior category. The shortlisted photographs will be exhibited at the World Architecture Festival (WAF) in Berlin from 15th - 17th November where visitors to WAF will be able to cast their vote for the overall winner, which will be announced during the Gala Dinner on Friday 17th November. Photo credit should read: Wison Tungthunya/

Φωτογράφος: Wison Tungthunya

Project: Baan Moom, a private residence in Bangkok, Thailand by Integrated Field


Zhenfei Wang from Beijing, China has been announced as one of the 20 shortlisted photographers in the Arcaid Images Architectural Photography Awards 2017, in association with Sto, with this image of the Tianrenhe Museum, Hangzhou, China by HHDFUN. Zhenfei entered this image into the Interior category. The shortlisted photographs will be exhibited at the World Architecture Festival (WAF) in Berlin from 15th - 17th November where visitors to WAF will be able to cast their vote for the overall winner, which will be announced during the Gala Dinner on Friday 17th November. Photo credit should read: Zhenfei Wang/

Φωτογράφος: Zhenfei Wang

Project: Tianrenhe Museum, Hangzhou, China by HHDFUN


Ryan Koopmans from Amsterdam in the Netherlands, has been announced as one of the 20 shortlisted photographers in the Arcaid Images Architectural Photography Awards 2017, in association with Sto, with his image of the Ponte City Apartments in Johannesburg, South Africa by architect Manfred Hermer. Ryan entered this image into the Interior category. The shortlisted photographs will be exhibited at the World Architecture Festival (WAF) in Berlin from 15th - 17th November where visitors to WAF will be able to cast their vote for the overall winner, which will be announced during the Gala Dinner on Friday 17th November. Photo credit should read: Ryan Koopmans/

Φωτογράφος: Ryan Koopmans

Project: Ponte City Apartments in Johannesburg, South Africa by architect Manfred Hermer

Απόδοση αίσθησης του χώρου (Κατηγορία: Sence of Place)

Terrence Zhang from China has been announced as one of the 20 shortlisted photographers in the Arcaid Images Architectural Photography Awards 2017, in association with Sto, with his image of the Folk Art Museum, China Academy of Arts in Hangzhou, China by Kengo Kuma. Terrence entered this image into the Sense of Place category. The shortlisted photographs will be exhibited at the World Architecture Festival (WAF) in Berlin from 15th - 17th November where visitors to WAF will be able to cast their vote for the overall winner, which will be announced during the Gala Dinner on Friday 17th November. Photo credit should read: Terrence Zhang/

φωτογράφος: Terrence Zhang

Project: Folk Art Museum, China Academy of Arts in Hangzhou, China by Kengo Kuma


Fabio Mantovani from Bologna in Italy has been announced as one of the 20 shortlisted photographers in the Arcaid Images Architectural Photography Awards 2017, in association with Sto, with his image of the Choi Hung Estate in Hong Kong. Fabio entered this image into the Sense of Place category. The shortlisted photographs will be exhibited at the World Architecture Festival (WAF) in Berlin from 15th - 17th November where visitors to WAF will be able to cast their vote for the overall winner, which will be announced during the Gala Dinner on Friday 17th November. Photo credit should read: Fabio Mantovani/

φωτογράφος: Fabio Mantovani

Project: Choi Hung Estate in Hong Kong


Tom Roe from Melbourne, Australia has been announced as one of the 20 shortlisted photographers in the Arcaid Images Architectural Photography Awards 2017, in association with Sto, with his image of the Messner Mountain Museum Corones, Bolzano, South Tyrol in Italy by Zaha Hadid Architects. Tom entered this image into the Sense of Place category. The shortlisted photographs will be exhibited at the World Architecture Festival (WAF) in Berlin from 15th - 17th November where visitors to WAF will be able to cast their vote for the overall winner, which will be announced during the Gala Dinner on Friday 17th November. Photo credit should read: Tom Roe/

φωτογράφος: Tom Roe

Project: Messner Mountain Museum Corones, Bolzano, South Tyrol in Italy by Zaha Hadid Architects



φωτογράφος: Conchi Martínez

Project: Museum of Pop Culture (formerly known as the EMP Museum) by architect Frank Gehry, Seattle, USA


Tom Stahl from San Fransisco, USA has been announced as one of the 20 shortlisted photographers in the Arcaid Images Architectural Photography Awards 2017, in association with Sto, with his image of Black Rock Lighthouse Service at Burning Man in the Nevada desert, USA. Tom entered this image into the Sense of Place category. The shortlisted photographs will be exhibited at the World Architecture Festival (WAF) in Berlin from 15th - 17th November where visitors to WAF will be able to cast their vote for the overall winner, which will be announced during the Gala Dinner on Friday 17th November. Photo credit should read: Tom Stahl/

φωτογράφος: Tom Stahl

Project: Black Rock Lighthouse Service in the Nevada desert, USA


Κτήρια σε χρήση (Buldings in Use)


Terrence Zhang from China has been announced as one of the 20 shortlisted photographers in the Arcaid Images Architectural Photography Awards 2017, in association with Sto, with his image of the Gymnasium of the New Campus of Tianjin University, China by Atelier Li Xinggang. Terrence entered this image into the Buildings In Use category. The shortlisted photographs will be exhibited at the World Architecture Festival (WAF) in Berlin from 15th - 17th November where visitors to WAF will be able to cast their vote for the overall winner, which will be announced during the Gala Dinner on Friday 17th November. Photo credit should read: Terrence Zhang/

φωτογράφος: Terrence Zhang

Project: Gymnasium of the New Campus of Tianjin University, China by Atelier Li Xinggang


Siyuan Ma from Singapore has been announced as one of the 20 shortlisted photographers in the Arcaid Images Architectural Photography Awards 2017, in association with Sto, with his image of Selegie House in Singapore by the Housing and Development Board, Singapore. Siyuan entered this image into the Buildings In Use category. The shortlisted photographs will be exhibited at the World Architecture Festival (WAF) in Berlin from 15th - 17th November where visitors to WAF will be able to cast their vote for the overall winner, which will be announced during the Gala Dinner on Friday 17th November. Photo credit should read: Siyuan Ma/

φωτογράφος:Siyuan Ma

Project: Selegie House in Singapore by the Housing and Development Board, Singapore


Derby Arena 2-26615-157

φωτογράφος:Martine Hamilton Knight

Project: Derby Arena Velodrome, UK by Faulkner Browns Architects


David Borland from London, UK has been announced as one of the 20 shortlisted photographers in the Arcaid Images Architectural Photography Awards 2017, in association with Sto, with his image of ARoS Aarhus Kunstmuseum, Museum, Aarhus, Denmark by schmidt hammer lassen / Olafur Eliasson. David entered this image into the Buildings In Use category. The shortlisted photographs will be exhibited at the World Architecture Festival (WAF) in Berlin from 15th - 17th November where visitors to WAF will be able to cast their vote for the overall winner, which will be announced during the Gala Dinner on Friday 17th November. Photo credit should read: David Borland/

φωτογράφος: David Borland

Project: ARoS Aarhus Kunstmuseum, Museum, Aarhus, Denmark by schmidt hammer lassen / Olafur Eliasson


Tom Stahl from San Fransisco, USA has been announced as one of the 20 shortlisted photographers in the Arcaid Images Architectural Photography Awards 2017, in association with Sto, with his image of an office building in Beijing, China. Tom entered this image into the Buildings In Use category. The shortlisted photographs will be exhibited at the World Architecture Festival (WAF) in Berlin from 15th - 17th November where visitors to WAF will be able to cast their vote for the overall winner, which will be announced during the Gala Dinner on Friday 17th November. Photo credit should read: Tom Stahl/

φωτογράφος:Tom Stahl

Project: An office building in Beijing, China


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